Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How Do I Fix You? (When a Band Aid Won't Work)

When our babies are born we look for the signals to make sure they are happy and we respond to them. We are taught - when they cry check for :

1) Are they hungry, if so feed them (for me this was as simple as a quick breast feed)
2) Are they wet, if so change their nappy
3) Do they need burping, if so burp them
4) If they are tired put them to sleep

Looking back it all seems pretty simple.

As toddlers a big hug fixes most things and a band aid too.

But now I have a 10 year old who has been diagnosed "twice exceptional" - if you are unsure what that is read my previous blog, if you are still not 100% sure then you are exactly where I am at.

Harry has started back at school this year - Year 5. It's the first year I have felt nervous and worried about my boy returning to school. He has been given a really lovely teacher and his teacher from last year requested he be with his best friend. The Deputy Principal is aware of his diagnoses and she is wonderful. We are very lucky that he has such support.

Every day I ask him nervously - how was school? He has given me the usual "yeh good" and given me a few details. He seems much more up beat than last year, something I am very happy about. 

But today he was very ordinary in the car, hardly spoke. One word answers to my questions. Very prickly.

We walked into the house and he slammed the front door - hard. I turned around calmly and asked him to go back outside and come back without slamming the door. A simple request.

He did this but his face had gone red he had tears in his eyes and his body language had become very 'angry' and 'frustrated'. I asked him what was wrong.. he said nothing.

I watched him for the next half hour, tearing up at nothing, moping around constantly asking "are you okay?" and each time I was told YES!

Then tears and hugs and whats wrong please tell me... "I don't even know Mum, I just know I am feeling really sad this afternoon, sad and angry but I don't know why?"

We hugged and cuddled and then he went about his business making his lunch for school showering, all the while teary and really really depressed.

How do I fix this? How can I make him better? 

A band aid and hair tousle won't make him smile and run off laughing.